Thursday, May 15, 2008

OK day

This morning when Shailyn woke up she acted really sleepy and just wasnt herself... She was having alot of spasms in the morning time. She seemed very wobbly also through out the day.. Im hoping that tomorrow is a better day for her..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

So cute!

Shailyn now gives kisses... So very cute cuz she does the sound of the kiss when ur at a distance... and shes soooo loving... But other than that shes still doing really good.. At times very temperamental... but i figure we have more good days than bad...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Lil Update!

So we took Shailyn to see her ped on Tuesday.... They weighed her and she weighs 19 lbs and 9 oz... They are concerned about her weight because before being put in the hospital she was a lil over 20 lbs... So she goes back in 2 weeks for another weight check.... Other than that everything is good with her..

I went to the ER today cuz for the last 2 to 3 weeks I have been having major headaches and ear aches.. the last few days my cheek and eye brow and nose has been killing me.. I have a severe sinus infection so im glad to finally have GOOD pain medicine and the antibiotic.... Now is the waiting game for it all to stop hurting and get all better...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Things to do...

well today we took Shai to the lab to have her medicine levels done.. But they couldnt get her vein to work so she has to go back to another lab tomorrow and try again.. Then she has a weight check tomorrow since being on the depakote and zarontin it doesnt feel like shes gaining any weight... Than she goes for her physical therapy appointment tomorrow afternoon... So its a busy day...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Whats up?

So Shailyn has been a bit cranky.... Ok ALOT cranky... lol... But other than that shes doing very good.. One of these days we have to take her to have her levels checked of the depakote and Zarontin... Other than that shes very ornery.. Shes trying to climb on things and she said Ma this morning.. lol...

Kaylie is doing alright.. I really wish Kaylie had that one on one help becuz i dont know how to explain to her on how to do her school work.. Its like she doesnt understand me.. She has testing the next four days in school.. I really hope she goes to 2nd grade.. Other than that shes doing really good in school..